SEO Management Services

Ranking algorithms for search engines are constantly changing.

Businesses must have a comprehensive strategy for managing their SEO campaigns in order to remain ahead of algorithm updates and shifts in customer behaviour. Professional SEO services from Hawk Astute, combine technical expertise with content marketing experts to generate steady growth.

Why Choose Us ?

The SEO management services offered by Hawk Astute are backed by customer research and a data-obsessed workforce that stretches and expands along with your company. Since we've been offering expert SEO services for years, we know how marketing teams may improve their exposure in search results.

Comprehensive Competitive Analysis

Our SEO experts will perform a thorough examination of your competitor's website to assist your company stand out from the crowd. It is an essential element of our SEO services.

We Meet Expectations

Because of our specialized skills, in-the-moment insights, competitive analysis, and compassionate approach, we stand out from the competition and meet our clients' expectations.

Transparent Reporting

We maintain complete transparency rather than using smoke and mirrors, so you can see for yourself how our strategies and efforts are increasing your online revenue.

Hawk Astute's SEO Process

Be Ready For Your Digital Success


As your search engine optimization agency, we take time to comprehend your organization's objectives, requirements, and goals. Then, we analyse your conversion path, create your key performance indicators (KPIs), and do in-depth keyword research.


Next phase is analysis, which includes link risk evaluation, a thorough site audit, a review of the site's metrics, and competitive benchmarking. In this phase, we gather and examine all the information about your company in order to identify the variables that affect your online visibility.


Our SEO specialists will develop a 60-day strategic online marketing plan (SOMP), once we've determined your marketing possibilities and gaps. This covers the objectives of your campaign, the results you anticipate from each marketing channel, and the expected time of completion.


We begin running the SOMP during this phase. We monitor your company listings, enhance your site's structure, and add high-performing keywords to your blog posts and web pages. To enhance your overall SEO results, our SEO strategy also use multi-channel approach.

Types of

SEO Management Services

Rankings can improve with optimizations on your website’s back-end, such as improving page speed. By fixing these errors, it makes it easier on search engines when they crawl your website. A strong website foundation with an organized content architecture leads to higher traffic and conversion.  Learn More

According to statistics, 64% of consumers look for nearby businesses online. With Google My Business (GMB) optimization, you can raise your business’ local SEO ranks and draw in customers with strong purchase intent. To increase your local following, we manage your online reputation and enhance your GMB profile.  Learn More

Your website may require international SEO if a good chunk of your target audience is from a foreign nation, speaks a different language, or both. You can establish connections between translated content and country-level search indexes by optimizing your website for various languages and nations’ SERP landscapes.  Learn More

Give your customers a convenient, 24/7 purchasing experience to boost customer retention. To generate individualised brand experiences, we conduct targeted email marketing campaigns and mobile and voice search optimization for your website.  Learn More

Your website is a constantly changing living digital property. However, not every evolution is addressed with SEO in mind. SEO audits pinpoint the most important problems and provide a roadmap of the areas with the greatest room for development.  Learn More

Key Features Of Our

SEO Management Services

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know which type of SEO I need?

Your business kind, industry, and principal method of bringing in leads and visitors will all influence the response. Your entire conversion, traffic, and ROI goals can be met by selecting the best services from our SEO agency with the assistance of our skilled professionals.

How long does it take to see SEO results?

SEO can be a long process. If you have done SEO correctly, it takes time to see long-lasting results. The first 6 months usually mark the beginning of directional organic traffic gains, and the following 12 months mark the beginnings of considerable year-over-year growth.

How do you convert organic traffic?

Getting organic traffic to your website is only the beginning. In order for the organic traffic we generate to be ready to take the appropriate actions based on where they are on their journey, we assess your customer journey to make sure we have a detailed SEO strategy planned out to every phase of the sales funnel. Providing your visitors with high-quality material that solves their wants, responds to their inquiries, and actually builds their trust in your company is a wonderful method to keep them interested and eager to buy. Along with having excellent content, improving the user experience of the website (such as site speed, mobile optimization, form placement, etc.) can aid in converting that traffic.

How much does it cost to implement an SEO campaign?

Employing a seasoned SEO agency or expert is advised, and the cost should be planned in your marketing budget. The sum you should budget for corresponds to the volume of work required to make success a success. Once the project scope has been taken into account and your predetermined expectations have been given, a digital agency or SEO specialist will charge. An agency or SEO specialist can be hired for an hourly charge of about $150.

What affects your SEO ranking?

Even if you’ve only implemented a very basic search strategy on your website, there are three criteria that have a direct impact on your SEO position. The elements to be cognizant of are:


Page Load Time – If your website loads slowly, visitors will most likely leave and visit one of your competitors’ websites. Because of a slow page load time, Google (and all other search engines) will rank your website lower. As we get closer to the significant update that Google has revealed, it’s important to pay close attention to this. The three elements that directly and significantly affect the user experience on your site will be the focus of the March 2021 Core Web Vitals update. This change takes into account page load time, which is crucial for securing your ranking or climbing to the top of the SERPs.


Keyword Selection – In order for your website and pages to appear under the relevant search phrases that your potential customer is using, your keywords must be carefully chosen.


Content Creation – If you produce high-quality content for your website, visitors will locate it quickly and simply and remain there to learn more. This lengthens stay time, which improves search engine rankings.